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1.7 Miljonaa palveltua asiakasta koko Europassa
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The contents published on ProduceShop, where not otherwise and explicitly indicated, are protected by the current copyright law, Law no. 633/1941 and further amendments, and may not be replicated on other Websites, mailing lists, newsletters, paper journals and CD roms or other media not indicated, without the prior authorisation of MBK Fincom Sa whatever the purpose of use. Authorisation is to be requested in writing and is considered as accepted only further to explicit written consent by the legal representative of MBK Fincom Sa. Failure to respond on the part of MBK Fincom Sa can in no way be interpreted as tacit authorization. Reproduction, hiring, loan and dissemination without the authorisation of MBK Fincom Sa is forbidden, except for the cases subsequently specified. The sanctions provided for by arts. 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of Law no. 633/1941 shall apply to any breaches. Graphic elements and the HTML/XHTML code are to be considered as the exclusive property of MBK Fincom Sa. 

Partial exclusion of the prohibition to reproduce contents 

The contents present on ProduceShop can be partially reproduced on third party Internet sites, newsletters or digital and paper media in abstract form, provided: The content reproduced does not exceed 15% of the characters of the original article; There is a clear and evident link to the original article published on ProduceShop The name of the original author is clearly indicated. 

Liability of MBK Fincom Sa. 

MBK Fincom Sa is not liable for damage caused, directly or indirectly, from the use of the information (offered on an “as-is” basis) present on ProduceShop. Although not belonging to MBK Fincom Sa, the right to quote applies, as per arts. 70 paragraph 1, 70 paragraph 1 Bis and 70 paragraph 3 of Law no. 633 of 22 April 1941. In particular, all the brands mentioned and the logos reproduced on ProduceShop belong to the legitimate owners. Said brands are mentioned only for informative purposes. 

Links from the site to other Internet sites 

A number of links to other Internet sites are available on the site ProduceShop; the user exits from this site if said links are used. MBK Fincom Sa is not able to constantly examine said sites nor manage them, and is not liable for the material contained in them. MBK Fincom Sa, therefore, does not offer any guarantee in relation to the contents, information, software, other products, materials or any results obtained in such sites. Access to other sites through the links present on this site is exclusively the responsibility of the user. 

Links to the site from other Internet sites 

Any site that links (with a so-called “Link”) to the ProduceShop Internet site is obliged to comply with applicable legal provisions and the following instructions for the link: The contents of the ProduceShop site must not be duplicated; 

It must not misrepresent presumed partnerships with MBK Fincom Sa; 

It must not provide false information on the products of MBK Fincom Sa; 

It must not use the logo of MBK Fincom Sa without permission; 

It must not contain indecent or offensive contents, but only contents suitable for people of all ages. 


Despite a periodic control of the Site, MBK Fincom Sa cannot guarantee that it is free from viruses or other potentially harmful programmes. Before accessing the Internet and carrying out any operation while browsing, the user must always adopt the most up-to-date protection measures in relation to which they will be solely and exclusively responsible.

Klarna banner
Personal designer banner
Räätälöity projekti sinulle
Customers count banner
1.7 Miljonaa palveltua asiakasta koko Europassa
Blog banner
B2B banner
Produceshop for Business
Räätälöidyt ratkaisut jokaiselle toimialalle